Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Stopping to smell the roses.....

So I took my own advice this week.....

I took the time to devote my energy to those that matter the most in my life. I learned how to work the IPOD the mom-in-law got me for Christmas with help from my oldest. I have played HOURS of Monopoly with both my kids. We may not have it all- but we have just the right amount for me.

The kids are pretty sure I have flipped my lid. Yesterday we spent time doing nothing but spinning. Literally. We spun and spun in the kitchen and when we got too dizzy- we just collapsed on the floop in laughter. It was childish. It was pointless. But it was the greatest feeling I have had in years. We will do it again soon. Laughter is definitely the best medicine.

"Red Light Kisses" really threw them for a loop!! At first they weren't sure what to make of it. Then they were typical kids and started screaming "EWWW Mom & Dad you guys are gross". The one thing I noticed though was that seeing the hubby and I laugh and play like that helped put them at ease with the situation. We forgot about our stress as we played. We relaxed and just had FUN. It rubbed off on them- no matter how gross they thought we were being.

Since it is Tuesday- here is another clip from Tuesdays with Morrie (hang around long enough you will probably see the whole movie just really out of order haha)

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