By the way- let's all say "Hi Replacements!!" Do you REALLY have nothing better to do than linger on every single blog or posting site on the internet that has to do with this strike???
These are just a couple of things I have found. Believe them. They DO help.

I have recently renamed this one "Dear Mr. Management....". Pretty ironic that there is the Texas connection now isn't it??
They would never take a walk with me.
They don't know nothing about hard work.
I shall refrain from any comments about the "You've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine" reference ...chuckle....
Loved the video it tells a great story.
I had rather say goodbye Replacements to be I also want to thank you for all the great info.
Thank You for the welcome... Myself and others are actually looking for ways to assist those who are in desperate need. Thus, the reason for joining your informative blog.
Any true assistance is always appreciated.
I hope you understand the sense of mistrust we have since you continuosly berate us on other sites.
As long as your comments and suggestions are not rude vulgar or berating I will approve them
Thanks you for approving my comment. I would like to suggest to you as I did on the other blog, that you set up a Paypal or Walmart Money Gram service account. In doing so you open a door for many who are willing to send donations in an anonymous manner. I hope that helps.
Setting up a account so people can give without going to Union hall would be great. I wanted to give money for the Thanksgiving Kroger cards but I can't make it to the Union hall before Thanksgiving. TS1thanks for all your help. God Bless!
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