This has been a mental "blog in process" for the last couple of days and I think I have my thoughts organized enough to put it into words. If not, I will just wing this one haha.
The economic strain across the country is being felt by all. I hear people all the time wondering how we got to this point. Everybody is looking for someone to blame when the truth of the matter is we, as a society in whole, are ALL to blame.
We live in a world of advanced technology. Just about every company offers online bill payments. Some charge a fee for this process while others do not. But are those that claim to be "free" providing this "no charge" service for us the consumers or for the "fat cat" executives own benefit? Let's make up a hypothetical family and look at the real costs involved:
Sally & John Smith have 10 household bills that they pay "conveniently" online every month. Of these 10 bills, 5 of them charge a $5 convenience fee for paying online. So they pay out $25 per month to save approximately one hour in writing checks. Actually if you consider the amount of time they have to spend inputting all of the information to pay these bills online, it is not even an hours worth of time. Most people at one time would have said $25 is not a big deal. Today it is a big deal in many households and if you look at the ripple effect this has it becomes an even bigger deal. Over the course of 1 year Sally & John will have paid out $300 in convenience charges! For many of us, that is the equivalent to a full months car payment all because writing out the same information we typed into the computer was too much work!! Had they taken the time to just write the checks and drop them in the mail for the year they would have written 120 checks on these payments and spent $50.40 in postage at the current rate of .42 per envelope. Most places, including banks, charge for check printing. Let's just put a price tag on that of $24.60 per year because I like round numbers haha. Sally & John would STILL have added $225 dollars to their annual budget!!
What we fail to see is the "ripple effect". During this time of huge lay-offs, how much of a role did we play in that? How many people lost jobs because it was "convenient" for us to just pay them online? A company could eliminate a lot of positions in payment posting departments, mailrooms etc. because it only takes 1 person to process electronic payments (if that-most places have computer programs to automatically post your payments) instead of the 5 they had prior to go through all of the mail for the day. This is another reason postage rates are going up and jobs are being lost in that industry. Another huge problem that has emerged as a result of the online frenzy is identity theft. Millions of people are victims of identity theft every year because they responded to phishing e-mails or were hacked as they entered their account information online. Repairing your entire life after having someone steal your identity can not possibly be worth any convenience.
The governments recent solution to this epidemic is the $700B bailout. How is that a solution? You are using my tax dollars to take away from programs that could benefit me and my family in the future to save companies who continue to hand out fat bonuses to their executives while the employees who made the company successful for so many years in the past are standing in the unemployment line?? Those tax dollars spent to help the ailing companies will not be replaced any time in the near future until we force corporate america to provide jobs.
So the next time you get the urge to grumble about writing a check and consider paying it online stop and think. How many families will you be helping if you just write the check and drop it in the mail? How much money can you potentially keep in your own pocket by NOT paying the service charge for that online payment?
Friday, November 28, 2008
"Welcome" To Black Friday.....
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Remember the time and smiles from your family could never have a price tag on them!!
Some of my "elves" braved the early morning yesterday to help get a jump on the holiday season to help our children. We received several gift donations already. Board games, baby dolls, a few barbie dolls and batteries.
Tip from one of my "elves": Target has packs of Ray-O-Vac batteries for $1!! This is a super inexpensive way to help out as EVERYTHING seems to run on batteries these days. (Also a great way to drive your co-workers insane at home by making sure the toys run and run haha)
I have received a list from the Union hall and we had 295 children signed up this past Monday. I will be in contact with the Union over the week-end as if we are going to pull this off I need a little more information than just sex and age. Hope to get an update out on that ASAP. I have already heard from a few who let me know that their child is included in the count but through family support they want to pass on our assistance to make it possible to help those who are in true need.
As we kick off the holiday season, I had to share with you my all time favorite Christmas song. I think it truly embodies the meaning of the season.
A random act of kindness goes a long way!
Until next time...(which will probably be tomorrow or even later today!)
Much Love,
Some of my "elves" braved the early morning yesterday to help get a jump on the holiday season to help our children. We received several gift donations already. Board games, baby dolls, a few barbie dolls and batteries.
Tip from one of my "elves": Target has packs of Ray-O-Vac batteries for $1!! This is a super inexpensive way to help out as EVERYTHING seems to run on batteries these days. (Also a great way to drive your co-workers insane at home by making sure the toys run and run haha)
I have received a list from the Union hall and we had 295 children signed up this past Monday. I will be in contact with the Union over the week-end as if we are going to pull this off I need a little more information than just sex and age. Hope to get an update out on that ASAP. I have already heard from a few who let me know that their child is included in the count but through family support they want to pass on our assistance to make it possible to help those who are in true need.
As we kick off the holiday season, I had to share with you my all time favorite Christmas song. I think it truly embodies the meaning of the season.
A random act of kindness goes a long way!
Until next time...(which will probably be tomorrow or even later today!)
Much Love,
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Contacting Me.....
I have had several messages wanting to know how to contact me regarding helping out over the holidays.
I hope it can be understood why I am reluctant to acknowledge my true identity in this type of forum. I would like to thank Communicator for even protecting my identity at the Union Hall.
Things have been said on both sides of this battle that would make anyone nervous about revealing their true identity. I have read the posting by The Replacements on another website threatening to reveal our personal information. While I chose not to reply to that posting, I am using it simply as an example of WHY I am hesitant. While The Replacements has done nothing on this blog of a malicious nature, prior actions cause some concern for me.
Trust has to begin somewhere so I guess it will start with me. This effort is not about me but about the Union children and there is nothing we will not do for our children. Should you need to contact me directly I have set up the following e-mail address:
All e-mails to that address are 100% confidential. I would also like to encourage requests for assistance that I can help with now be directed to this e-mail address instead of on this blog. Any threatening e-mails sent to that address WILL be reported to the proper authorities!! I hope we can all be mature enough for it not to come to that
I hope it can be understood why I am reluctant to acknowledge my true identity in this type of forum. I would like to thank Communicator for even protecting my identity at the Union Hall.
Things have been said on both sides of this battle that would make anyone nervous about revealing their true identity. I have read the posting by The Replacements on another website threatening to reveal our personal information. While I chose not to reply to that posting, I am using it simply as an example of WHY I am hesitant. While The Replacements has done nothing on this blog of a malicious nature, prior actions cause some concern for me.
Trust has to begin somewhere so I guess it will start with me. This effort is not about me but about the Union children and there is nothing we will not do for our children. Should you need to contact me directly I have set up the following e-mail address:
All e-mails to that address are 100% confidential. I would also like to encourage requests for assistance that I can help with now be directed to this e-mail address instead of on this blog. Any threatening e-mails sent to that address WILL be reported to the proper authorities!! I hope we can all be mature enough for it not to come to that
Monday, November 24, 2008
Helping for the Holidays
It has been brought to my attention that we have people who would like to help make sure we can stand by the fact that SANTA DOES NOT GO ON STRIKE!!!
I have received numerous messages from my initial cry for help of people wanting to help with Christmas gifts as well as the food and clothing donations I initially asked for. I have also been contacted through this blog about people wanting to help under anonymous circumstances.
The Replacements suggested on my last posting the idea of Paypal or Wal-Mart money grams. While these are great ideas, the anon. factor could be lost as those channels require the senders name and personal information when they send money. Paypal would also charge processing fees if somebody donated via credit card which would be less we could do for our children. I also can not set any of this up as I am NOT officially with LL 735- I'm just another one of the family members trying to do what I can to help as many as I can.
Some suggestions I have are that anyone wishing to contribute to our efforts can take donations to the Union Hall. You can bring gift cards there or you can make cash donations to help make sure our members have basic essentials.Money Orders and Cashiers checks mailed in to the Union Hall are another way to secretly contribute. This keeps your personal checking information confidential (i.e. you address, your account number etc.) yet still helps. I totally understand this could put some people in an awkward situation- especially those members of management who have supported us through this (you know who you are). If this is the case, you can mail in your support or I can make arrangements to pick up any help you wish to provide. I will not send union members due to the tension on both sides right now. Anybody wishing to help in this manner can post a comment on this blog with DO NOT APPROVE attached to it. If you do this you will have to tell me who you are and how you may be contacted. I strongly believe in confidentiality as I have said in previous posts and guarantee you 100% anonymity. (YES THIS INCLUDES ANON WITH MY OWN HUSBAND!!)
As I went through the Sunday paper yesterday, I saw a LOT of items on sale or being offered under buy one get one free. As I shop for my own family this week, I will also be shopping for my Union family. If an item is Buy 1 get 1 and is on my list- I will be picking up 2- one for my child and one for the Santa Drive. Target also has a lot of board games on sale for $4. I will be picking up some of those as well. My youngest child had asked for one of them specifically and it was going to run me $20 For that same $20- my child will now have the gift they wanted but 3 other children will also have a gift.
Time for me to pop off of here and get the family kicked in the rear. Thanks so much for all of your comments!!
I have received numerous messages from my initial cry for help of people wanting to help with Christmas gifts as well as the food and clothing donations I initially asked for. I have also been contacted through this blog about people wanting to help under anonymous circumstances.
The Replacements suggested on my last posting the idea of Paypal or Wal-Mart money grams. While these are great ideas, the anon. factor could be lost as those channels require the senders name and personal information when they send money. Paypal would also charge processing fees if somebody donated via credit card which would be less we could do for our children. I also can not set any of this up as I am NOT officially with LL 735- I'm just another one of the family members trying to do what I can to help as many as I can.
Some suggestions I have are that anyone wishing to contribute to our efforts can take donations to the Union Hall. You can bring gift cards there or you can make cash donations to help make sure our members have basic essentials.Money Orders and Cashiers checks mailed in to the Union Hall are another way to secretly contribute. This keeps your personal checking information confidential (i.e. you address, your account number etc.) yet still helps. I totally understand this could put some people in an awkward situation- especially those members of management who have supported us through this (you know who you are). If this is the case, you can mail in your support or I can make arrangements to pick up any help you wish to provide. I will not send union members due to the tension on both sides right now. Anybody wishing to help in this manner can post a comment on this blog with DO NOT APPROVE attached to it. If you do this you will have to tell me who you are and how you may be contacted. I strongly believe in confidentiality as I have said in previous posts and guarantee you 100% anonymity. (YES THIS INCLUDES ANON WITH MY OWN HUSBAND!!)
As I went through the Sunday paper yesterday, I saw a LOT of items on sale or being offered under buy one get one free. As I shop for my own family this week, I will also be shopping for my Union family. If an item is Buy 1 get 1 and is on my list- I will be picking up 2- one for my child and one for the Santa Drive. Target also has a lot of board games on sale for $4. I will be picking up some of those as well. My youngest child had asked for one of them specifically and it was going to run me $20 For that same $20- my child will now have the gift they wanted but 3 other children will also have a gift.
Time for me to pop off of here and get the family kicked in the rear. Thanks so much for all of your comments!!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Signs of Strength on Day 56.....
Dang at least that stupid counter is good for something haha.......
By the way- let's all say "Hi Replacements!!" Do you REALLY have nothing better to do than linger on every single blog or posting site on the internet that has to do with this strike???
These are just a couple of things I have found. Believe them. They DO help.

I have recently renamed this one "Dear Mr. Management....". Pretty ironic that there is the Texas connection now isn't it??
They would never take a walk with me.
They don't know nothing about hard work.
I shall refrain from any comments about the "You've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine" reference ...chuckle....
By the way- let's all say "Hi Replacements!!" Do you REALLY have nothing better to do than linger on every single blog or posting site on the internet that has to do with this strike???
These are just a couple of things I have found. Believe them. They DO help.

I have recently renamed this one "Dear Mr. Management....". Pretty ironic that there is the Texas connection now isn't it??
They would never take a walk with me.
They don't know nothing about hard work.
I shall refrain from any comments about the "You've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine" reference ...chuckle....
Friday, November 21, 2008
Last week I sent out a "cry for help" to our friends and family to help our Union Family. I e-mailed my entire address book and the response has been huge!!
I have a TON of clothing donations at my house for the entire family (yes, adults too!!) Most of what has been given is tops since those are the easiest to fit people by general size!! I have a variety of sizes ranging from small up to 3XL!! A lot of it is sweaters, jackets and long sleeved shirts.
Because of space restrictions I have not brought this to the Union Hall but it IS available if you need it.
I know a lot of us have our pride. We want to keep our struggles to ourselves. I am just as guilty as everybody else even though I know I am not alone in what I am going through. If you need items please contact the hardship committee and let them know (I have revealed my identity to several members so they know how to contact me) OR you may leave a comment on this blog. To remain anon in your request please provide me with your last initial and the last 4 numbers to your phone number. (Example:Z1234). I can then prepare a box for you and deliver it to the union hall where it can be picked up when you get your strike check. If you do not want to remain anon- feel free to tell me your name, a contact number, what shift you are on the line and which gate. I only live about 15 minutes from the plant so I should be able to work out a way to meet up with you.
If you have things you can donate to the clothing drive- let me know that too!!! I will be happy to add it to the inventory I have!!
I am also working on an "Angel Tree" plan for our little ones...after all Santa does not go on strike!!
I have a TON of clothing donations at my house for the entire family (yes, adults too!!) Most of what has been given is tops since those are the easiest to fit people by general size!! I have a variety of sizes ranging from small up to 3XL!! A lot of it is sweaters, jackets and long sleeved shirts.
Because of space restrictions I have not brought this to the Union Hall but it IS available if you need it.
I know a lot of us have our pride. We want to keep our struggles to ourselves. I am just as guilty as everybody else even though I know I am not alone in what I am going through. If you need items please contact the hardship committee and let them know (I have revealed my identity to several members so they know how to contact me) OR you may leave a comment on this blog. To remain anon in your request please provide me with your last initial and the last 4 numbers to your phone number. (Example:Z1234). I can then prepare a box for you and deliver it to the union hall where it can be picked up when you get your strike check. If you do not want to remain anon- feel free to tell me your name, a contact number, what shift you are on the line and which gate. I only live about 15 minutes from the plant so I should be able to work out a way to meet up with you.
If you have things you can donate to the clothing drive- let me know that too!!! I will be happy to add it to the inventory I have!!
I am also working on an "Angel Tree" plan for our little ones...after all Santa does not go on strike!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Stretching one dollar a mile long.....
Having been a bill collector over the last 15 years I wanted to post just a few tips I have that may be able to help you make it ONE DAY LONGER!!! Please keep in mind that most of these are based on the assumption that you were able to be somewhat current BEFORE the strike.
1. Home/Car Loans- CALL THEM!! They really do not want your house. They really do not want your car. Defer payments on these large expenses if you can. What these companies ultimately want is payment. When I contacted my finance company on my car to ask about a single deferment, they actually gave me TWO months!! That is one less bill I will have to worry about until January now!!
2. Collection Agencies- Yep, we all hate them. The difference now is the fact that we are not making what we are used to. They may be able to work with you more now because of your reduced income. A lot of medical bills can be completely written off!! It never hurts to try!!
3. Credit Cards- A lot of credit card companies offer "unemployment insurance". A STRIKE IS USUALLY COVERED UNDER THESE!! If you have this on your credit cards, use it!! You have paid the premiums for it so why not?? They will freeze your access to the card so make sure you can get the daily essentials without it but it is one less check you will have to write!! The insurance will pay your monthly payments for you and this will help keep your credit in good standing!!
4. Medical Expenses- Your regular doctor may offer a "self pay" rate for patients who do not have insurance. Sometimes it is even less than what you would pay if you used insurance!! Don't be afraid to ask. "Doctor Shopping" and going to doctors other than your own just because they are lower priced is not a very safe thing to do as these other places do not have the access to your medical records that your regular doctor does.
5. Prescription Costs- Now these can be safely shopped for. Call around to other pharmacies and ask what they would charge for your prescription with no insurance. In many cases you can even call back to your original pharmacy and tell them if you found it cheaper somewhere else and they will match it because they do not want to lose your business!! A lot of them actually call and check with the other pharmacy so be sure and tell the truth :)
We are in this together and we are here for the long haul. Like many of you, we are a single income family and the husband likes to refer to me as "Ms. Cheap". I guess being cheap has gotten us this far. Some other suggestions I could make to you are:
1. COUPONS- You can save an absolute fortune and they do not take long to clip. There are even a bunch of websites you can print them from home!! I go every Sunday and buy ONE copy of the paper (as long as it says it has coupons haha)When I get home, I go through them and if there are a lot I will use I actually check back at Kroger on MONDAY and pick up a couple more copies. (Kroger sells the Sunday paper on Monday for $1.00)
2. STOCK UP- If you can find a really good deal on non-perishable items you know you will use- stock up on them. Especially if you do the coupon thing too!! I can't begin to tell you how much stuff we had that I "bought" even though we did not need it right that moment. I had coupons that made most of it FREE!! Example: Suave shampoo at Kroger was on sale for $1.00. I had a 50 cent coupon (well a bunch of them haha). Kroger DOUBLED that so I got it for FREE!! I haven't had to worry about shampoo for 6 months!! I know that seems like a little thing but little things will add up!! Last week I was able to get 24 count boxes of Tylenol for 50 cents!! Kroger had them on sale for $2.50 and I had my little coupons for $2 off any size!! With as many headaches as we have all had over this whole thing I am sure I will need it.
3. BARGAIN SHOP- A lot of grocery stores do "close outs" on items. Basically the are not carrying them anymore and need to clear them out of the inventory. One thing I have learned is that they do not necessarily discontinue the same item at all stores. If it sells well in another store they will continue to carry it at that store. If you pass several different locations of the same store on a regular basis- pop in and see what they have on close-out.
4. GOODWILL- You really can't beat some of their bargains. They have certain days with different sales specials. If you take the time to look you can find great bargains on clothing!! A lot of it is all brand new with price tags still on it!!
Well, I am sure I have not covered everything I wanted to in this so my next installment will be coming soon.
1. Home/Car Loans- CALL THEM!! They really do not want your house. They really do not want your car. Defer payments on these large expenses if you can. What these companies ultimately want is payment. When I contacted my finance company on my car to ask about a single deferment, they actually gave me TWO months!! That is one less bill I will have to worry about until January now!!
2. Collection Agencies- Yep, we all hate them. The difference now is the fact that we are not making what we are used to. They may be able to work with you more now because of your reduced income. A lot of medical bills can be completely written off!! It never hurts to try!!
3. Credit Cards- A lot of credit card companies offer "unemployment insurance". A STRIKE IS USUALLY COVERED UNDER THESE!! If you have this on your credit cards, use it!! You have paid the premiums for it so why not?? They will freeze your access to the card so make sure you can get the daily essentials without it but it is one less check you will have to write!! The insurance will pay your monthly payments for you and this will help keep your credit in good standing!!
4. Medical Expenses- Your regular doctor may offer a "self pay" rate for patients who do not have insurance. Sometimes it is even less than what you would pay if you used insurance!! Don't be afraid to ask. "Doctor Shopping" and going to doctors other than your own just because they are lower priced is not a very safe thing to do as these other places do not have the access to your medical records that your regular doctor does.
5. Prescription Costs- Now these can be safely shopped for. Call around to other pharmacies and ask what they would charge for your prescription with no insurance. In many cases you can even call back to your original pharmacy and tell them if you found it cheaper somewhere else and they will match it because they do not want to lose your business!! A lot of them actually call and check with the other pharmacy so be sure and tell the truth :)
We are in this together and we are here for the long haul. Like many of you, we are a single income family and the husband likes to refer to me as "Ms. Cheap". I guess being cheap has gotten us this far. Some other suggestions I could make to you are:
1. COUPONS- You can save an absolute fortune and they do not take long to clip. There are even a bunch of websites you can print them from home!! I go every Sunday and buy ONE copy of the paper (as long as it says it has coupons haha)When I get home, I go through them and if there are a lot I will use I actually check back at Kroger on MONDAY and pick up a couple more copies. (Kroger sells the Sunday paper on Monday for $1.00)
2. STOCK UP- If you can find a really good deal on non-perishable items you know you will use- stock up on them. Especially if you do the coupon thing too!! I can't begin to tell you how much stuff we had that I "bought" even though we did not need it right that moment. I had coupons that made most of it FREE!! Example: Suave shampoo at Kroger was on sale for $1.00. I had a 50 cent coupon (well a bunch of them haha). Kroger DOUBLED that so I got it for FREE!! I haven't had to worry about shampoo for 6 months!! I know that seems like a little thing but little things will add up!! Last week I was able to get 24 count boxes of Tylenol for 50 cents!! Kroger had them on sale for $2.50 and I had my little coupons for $2 off any size!! With as many headaches as we have all had over this whole thing I am sure I will need it.
3. BARGAIN SHOP- A lot of grocery stores do "close outs" on items. Basically the are not carrying them anymore and need to clear them out of the inventory. One thing I have learned is that they do not necessarily discontinue the same item at all stores. If it sells well in another store they will continue to carry it at that store. If you pass several different locations of the same store on a regular basis- pop in and see what they have on close-out.
4. GOODWILL- You really can't beat some of their bargains. They have certain days with different sales specials. If you take the time to look you can find great bargains on clothing!! A lot of it is all brand new with price tags still on it!!
Well, I am sure I have not covered everything I wanted to in this so my next installment will be coming soon.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Ode to our pig....
Happened to find this today.......
Kinda makes me think of what management must look like out there on the shop floor...
***Please note that this blog expresses the sole opinion of the author and does not reflect any other points of view*** (Well it probably does but ya know how that goes....)
I liked this one too....
Kinda makes me think of what management must look like out there on the shop floor...
***Please note that this blog expresses the sole opinion of the author and does not reflect any other points of view*** (Well it probably does but ya know how that goes....)
I liked this one too....
The growing family....
It is so hard to believe it has been a month already. But it has. The solidarity shown by the IAM 735 continues to inspire me each day.
I have so much I want to type I do not even know where to start- guess that means I need to do this thing more often haha.
I have been asked to pass on the words of support I have received from my classmates and professors. One of my instructors drives by our picket line every day and makes it a point to honk her horn to show her support. She told me yesterday that actually knowing someone involved in this has helped her to better understand our struggle. I gave serious consideration to dropping out of school when this all began. My husband would not hear of it. My professors have been amazing in working with me through this. They are understanding of the fact that I may need to miss classes from time to time because of childcare etc.
The deadline for me to withdraw was 11/4. I have seriously wondered if I made the right decision by sticking out the semester. I have determined that it was absolutely the best choice for one main reason. If I drop out of school, Vought wins. They will have broken the potential future for my family and there is NO WAY I will let them do that. I hold this same belief for our union family. There is NO WAY I could turn my back on any of you who have stood proudly in our fight. I intend on doing everything I can to help people stay out "one day longer".
I know we go back to the table on the 12th. I do not plan on letting that fact slow my efforts in making sure I do all I can to see the union through this. I do not anticipate Vought coming to the table with a decent contract. I would love for them to prove me wrong, but I live in reality not the company's "Fantasyland". So here is a "reality check":
1. We have made it this far together- nothing can stop us as long as we remain united. We all know the holidays are around the corner but we will survive that too if need be. The stress of this entire situation SUCKS!!! I would be lying if I said otherwise. But nobody is in this alone. Do not be afraid to talk about it.
2. Pride is a bitter thing to swallow. I know there are members out there who could use the help but taking that first step of going to the hardship committee is enough to make you choke on your pride. If you need the help, ASK!! Even if it is not monetary help, there are 900 of us- we WILL find the resources you need one way or another. I would encourage everybody that if at all possible- donate to the food bank at the union hall. It is a whole lot easier on a persons pride to help themselves to food and clothing than to admit face to face you need the help.
3. The community is more behind us than we realize as individuals. Talk to your friends, family etc. about unused items that could benefit a union brother or sister. Even if they are items your particular household may not need- somebody will. I have practiced what I preach and have received an insane amount of clothing donations which I am in the process of sorting through by size etc. Let the committee know what you need- I will more than likely have it and can get it to the union hall.
Well that is enough rambling for one day. I will post again soon since I have a wide variety of topics I want to cover.
Much Love,
I have so much I want to type I do not even know where to start- guess that means I need to do this thing more often haha.
I have been asked to pass on the words of support I have received from my classmates and professors. One of my instructors drives by our picket line every day and makes it a point to honk her horn to show her support. She told me yesterday that actually knowing someone involved in this has helped her to better understand our struggle. I gave serious consideration to dropping out of school when this all began. My husband would not hear of it. My professors have been amazing in working with me through this. They are understanding of the fact that I may need to miss classes from time to time because of childcare etc.
The deadline for me to withdraw was 11/4. I have seriously wondered if I made the right decision by sticking out the semester. I have determined that it was absolutely the best choice for one main reason. If I drop out of school, Vought wins. They will have broken the potential future for my family and there is NO WAY I will let them do that. I hold this same belief for our union family. There is NO WAY I could turn my back on any of you who have stood proudly in our fight. I intend on doing everything I can to help people stay out "one day longer".
I know we go back to the table on the 12th. I do not plan on letting that fact slow my efforts in making sure I do all I can to see the union through this. I do not anticipate Vought coming to the table with a decent contract. I would love for them to prove me wrong, but I live in reality not the company's "Fantasyland". So here is a "reality check":
1. We have made it this far together- nothing can stop us as long as we remain united. We all know the holidays are around the corner but we will survive that too if need be. The stress of this entire situation SUCKS!!! I would be lying if I said otherwise. But nobody is in this alone. Do not be afraid to talk about it.
2. Pride is a bitter thing to swallow. I know there are members out there who could use the help but taking that first step of going to the hardship committee is enough to make you choke on your pride. If you need the help, ASK!! Even if it is not monetary help, there are 900 of us- we WILL find the resources you need one way or another. I would encourage everybody that if at all possible- donate to the food bank at the union hall. It is a whole lot easier on a persons pride to help themselves to food and clothing than to admit face to face you need the help.
3. The community is more behind us than we realize as individuals. Talk to your friends, family etc. about unused items that could benefit a union brother or sister. Even if they are items your particular household may not need- somebody will. I have practiced what I preach and have received an insane amount of clothing donations which I am in the process of sorting through by size etc. Let the committee know what you need- I will more than likely have it and can get it to the union hall.
Well that is enough rambling for one day. I will post again soon since I have a wide variety of topics I want to cover.
Much Love,
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